The Ambassador

Antonio Gazzanti Pugliese di Cotrone, Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to Ukraine

Date of birth: 21 April 1960 in Rome (Italy)

Nationality: Italian

Working experience

20.01.2020: Dean of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Ukraine, as the longest-serving ambassador in Ukraine.

2014: Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to Ukraine. He Presented the Letter of Credence to President of Ukraine H.E. Mr. Petro Poroshenko on 11th September 2014.

As Ambassador to Ukraine he was particularly committed to promote the image of the Order of Malta in Ukraine as well as to the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. 

2003: Knight of Grace and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

For many years he collaborated with ABC Group (Amore, Beneficenza, Carità) of Rome Delegation, Grand Priory of Rome of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Professor of Real Estate Law at the Pegaso University, Naples (Italy).

1996-2006: Professor for the preparation of Notaries practitioners in the notary contest at the “Association for the Study of Civil and Commercial Law” of Rome.

Deputy Head of the Administration of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Rome (Banca di Credito Cooperativo) and Vice President of Banca Sviluppo S.p.a.

1989: Nominated as Notary in Italy, exercising the related functions in Celano (AQ) until June 1992 and then in Civitavecchia and Rome.

1988-1989: Councilor of Prefecture, Prefecture of Rome, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Italy.


Graduated in Law at the La Sapienza University of Rome in 1983.

He attended the Notary School of Rome “Anselmo Anselmi” and of Naples “Capozzi”.

He collaborated with the professorships of Civil Procedural Law and Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the Sapienza University of Rome, publishing some articles on Legal Journals.


Ambassador Gazzanti Pugliese di Cotrone was:

  • Professor in charge of “Law and Law of Notaries” at the Pontifical Lateran University and Professor of Private Law at the “Link University of Malta;
  • Lecturer at the Notary school “Anselmo Anselmi” in Rome;
  • Scientific Director of the scientific journal of Civil Law, Commercial and Real Estate “Notarilia”;
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the “Tempo Finanziario” magazine – Economy and Law for Banks, Insurance Companies, Savings Managers, Companies;
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the “National Association working company Welfare”;
  • President of the “Atlante Foudation” for the development of ethical finance and social insurance;
  • Coordinator and lecturer of the Superior Course for the preparation for the notary public competition at the Pontifical Lateran University;
  • Author of a monographic book “Sucessioni per causa di morte – parte generale” (Sucessions for cause of death – general part), published by UTET.